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Blublocker began with the NASA space program. Astronauts need strong protection to protect their eyes in outer space where UV rays are much stronger than Earth. California sunglasses manufacturers have designed sunglasses that not only block UV rays but also block blue light. Since blue light does not focus on the retina, the block of blue light makes the object lighter. Astronaut eye protection was widely known until Chicago entrepreneur Joseph Sugarman led a car driven by a NASA sunglasses sales representative. Since Sugarman is a direct sales specialist, he immediately saw the benefits of this exciting new product, but was told that these products could not be sold in general. Soon the Federal Communications Commission granted a 30-minute television commercial and Sugarman was one of the first companies to offer its product. Blublocker is very popular and sells over 20 million pairs worldwide through the commercial network of the QVC family and retailers from the Walgreens pharmacy.